In the silence listen
and your true self will speak with you.
Happiness is a voyage,
not a destination.
A loving atmosphere in your home
is the foundation to your life.
Life may not lead you where you want,
but have faith and you are exactly where you were meant to be.
Open your arms to change,
but don’t give up your values.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
Courage is not having the strength to go on,
it’s going on when you don’t have the strength.
A simple smile
can light up someone’s lonely life.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or touched.
They must be felt by the heart.
Not all the darkness in the World
can put out the light of one small candle.
Even if you are on the right track,
you’ll get run over if you just sit there...
Challenges are what make life interesting;
Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. - Mark Twain
Dance as though no one is watching, Love as though you have never been hurt,
Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though Heaven is on earth.
Rob and June have been working in the field of Sound Healing for a number of years, having trained in various modules of Sound Healing. We completed our tutor training with The College of Sound Healing in 2007.
Tutors June & Rob Dickerson
College of Sound Healing Accredited Tutors
The course consists of five Modules which are conducted over a weekend, usually held every three months. You will be required to complete 36 case studies and will also need a set of C and G Biosonic Tuning Forks. After each module there will be homework to be completed by the next module.
Module One - An Introduction to Sound Healing with the Voice
Areas covered include, finding your voice, understanding the healing power of the voice, removing blockages from the voice, voice exercises, creating pure tone and breathing correctly. Understanding harmonics and their role in sound healing, develop the ability to hear harmonics and learn techniques to create vocal harmonics.
Using Sound in meditation, balancing the chakras with sound, and experience a sound healing session. Learn sacred chants from different spiritual traditions.
Please note that if you already have voice experience you may join the training course at Module Two.
Module Two - The Theory and Practice of Sound Healing
Areas covered in this module include understanding the principles of sound healing, working with healing energy and psychic protection.
Learn how to use the C & G Tuning Forks within a healing session, and how to give a basic sound healing treatment using the voice for energy diagnosis. Understanding the value of silence in a sound healing session, and using sound to release pain.
At Module Two you will need to become a student member of The College of Sound Healing. Insurance will also need to be taken out after this module so that you are insured for your case studies.
Module Three - Music as Medicine
Understanding why music is healing. Experience the healing power of musical intervals and learn how to use them within a healing session. Learn the sounds of the Indian scales and how to use them to balance the chakras.
We will also look at understanding the healing process and blocks that may arise during a healing session.
Module Four - Sound Healing through the Chakras
On this module we cover understanding the chakras and the five elements. Learn how to sound the Sanskrit bija mantras for the chakras, and how to balance the chakras using the bija mantras.
A supervised practical assessment of a basic sound healing treatment will be carried out on the Sunday.
Module Five - Graduation Weekend
During this module we will be learning new practices including using sound healing with colour, toning with your client, using percussive sounds in a treatment and distant healing with sound. You will also be able to review any of the sound healing practices that you have learnt on the course.
Provided you have completed all your homework, case studies and the 3,000 word essay, you will be presented with your certificate. Those who have not completed the work will receive their certificates in the post once the work has been submitted.
Now that you are a qualified Sound Practitioner you can become a full member of The College of Sound Healing. For an annual membership fee your details will be added to the College Practitioner List, and you will receive regular newsletters. Membership also entitles you to a discount at the annual College of Sound Healing Conference.
Please visit our Events Diary for training dates
Please refer to the Price List for the cost of the Sound Healing Practitioner Training Course.