Dance as though no one is watching, Love as though you have never been hurt,
Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though Heaven is on earth.
In the silence listen
and your true self will speak with you.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
A simple smile
can light up someone’s lonely life.
Not all the darkness in the World
can put out the light of one small candle.
Life may not lead you where you want,
but have faith and you are exactly where you were meant to be.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.
Happiness is a voyage,
not a destination.
Courage is not having the strength to go on,
it’s going on when you don’t have the strength.
A loving atmosphere in your home
is the foundation to your life.
Open your arms to change,
but don’t give up your values.
The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or touched.
They must be felt by the heart.
Challenges are what make life interesting;
Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. - Mark Twain
Even if you are on the right track,
you’ll get run over if you just sit there...
This therapy works on releasing emotional ties that you may have to an ex partner, family member or a situation for example. How many people feel like someone is trying to control their life, it could be a partner, colleague or even one of your parents.
Throughout out lives we bond with various people, forming energetic cord connections to them, especially our parents and anyone that we become emotionally involved with or are extremely close to.
These energy cords are fine while everything is good in a relationship. But if that relationship breaks down for whatever reason, you may feel that these people still have some sort of emotional hold or control over you.
Another situation is when we lose someone through death, and things for whatever reason are left unsaid. Again, this can also cause similar problems in the same areas.
This therapy is very releasing on many levels and although each situation can be quite emotional, at the end of the session we can promise that you will go away a more balanced and peaceful person.
The therapy works using unconditional love and visualisation. We work alongside Archangel Michael and the Ascended Master St Germain. The session can take anything from two to three hours and cannot be rushed.
Any people that you may be detaching from will be treated with respect, and healing will take place for you and the person from whom you are detaching. After the therapy you will start to notice changes in yourself and also in the party that you detach from.
Take the first step to help free yourself now. If you would like further information about this therapy then please contact June.